Contact Me
Please email Beverley your questions for advice or tips.
See Blogs at:
Writing: Beviwrites
Articles: Beviarticles
Life Coach: Bevicoach
Teaching: Beviteaches
At present, daily life and impressions of Europe. Vienna, Spain, London, Rome and others to follow..
Encounters and happenings.
Other subjects to be added as I continue to make my way across the globe, both for work and as a traveller
- Chinese reaction to the West.
- Musings on life in China.
- What are the Chinese really like today?
- How to be a good traveller.
- Relocation tips and disasters to be avoided.
- Europe and Europeans in a new light.
- Holiday memories vs living the reality.
- Insights and observations.
- ESL Teaching around the globe.
- Watch this space for further news on ebooks
and counselling online.